Company Detail
Zhongguan Wire Zhejiang Famous Brand

Zhongguan is an engineering-grade socket, which has the advantages of wide applicability, drop resistance, step resistance, pressure resistance, heat resistance, etc. The socket meets the new requirements of the national GB2099.3-2008 standard for sockets, expands the contact area between the plug and the socket, prevents heat generation, effectively reduces the possibility of electric shock, and ensures electrical safety.

我们是由一群充满活力和怀着梦想的年轻人所组成的团队,拥有着丰富的企业经营管理经验,坚持“立品牌之本,唯客户至上 ”的经营方针和“以人为先,唯才是贤”的人才管理理念,秉承“学习力才是未来的竞争力”的价值观念。在这里,每个人都拥有军队般的集体荣誉感,可以深深体会到家庭般的温暖和亲切!

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Address: No. 398, Jiuzhou West Road, Hardware Technology Industrial Park, Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province
Copyright:Zhejiang Yongkang Shengda Wire Co., Ltd. 浙ICP备19052605号